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Viability scan


The ultrasound scan could be found necessary to be done with the help of vaginal probe up to pregnancy weeks 6-11. It is recommended to come to the scan with empty urinary bladder. The best time for the conduct of ultrasound scan is two or three weeks after the absence of menstruation.


Pregnancy could be visible in the uterine cavity already during the first week of absence of menstruation as the small liquid vesicle. Next, the fetal ovum can be seen which appears as the dark clearly outlined circle in the uterine cavity and this is surrounded by lighter areas as the certain indication. This refers to the existence of placenta embryo. Next, the round yolk sac can be seen inside the fetal ovum where the first blood circulation of the fetus starts. The fetus is usually visible after the 5th pregnancy week.


The length of the fetus could be also measured from this moment. The fetal heartbeat can be seen starting from the 6th pregnancy week and this confirms the favourable course of pregnancy. By that time the hands and legs of the fetus are already differentiable. The fetus faces the fast growth period by growing 1 mm a day. The best time for the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy is the 7th pregnancy week when the fetus is 10 mm tall and its heartbeat is clearly seen. In this stage of pregnancy the heartbeat of the fetus is over 110 times a minute.


Ultrasound examination of pregnancy detection and viability is performed in the absence of complaints for those whose pregnancy has lasted at least 7 full weeks (7 weeks + 0 days). If you want to know the duration of your pregnancy, please visit our pregnancy calendar.


The aim of ultrasound scan is:

  1. To assess the viability of the fetus. At the existence of the fetal heartbeat the risk of miscarriage decreases up to 10 times.
  2. To assess the number of fetuses and placentas. 2% of the pregnancies are twin pregnancies.
  3. To diagnose the extra-uterine pregnancy which could endanger the life of the pregnant if not detected.
  4. To specify the size of pregnancy and due date of birth.


The above described ultrasound scan is especially useful for the women who suspect pregnancy and who have either lower abdomen pain or who have had miscarriages or extra-uterine pregnancies.



Video: The Embryo during the 10th week of pregnancy. Dr. Marek Šois 



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