Mo-Fr 8.00 am - 12.00 am and 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm
et en ru

For colleagues

Pregnant women who could potentially benefit from an OSCAR test at the Fetal Ultrasound Center:


  1. Age ≥ 35 years.
  2. IVF pregnancy.
  3. Multiple pregnancy
  4. History of a chromosomally ill child.
  5. History of a child with a cardiac developmental defect.
  6. Diabetics
  7. Patients with high blood pressure
  8. Obesity (BMI ≥ 30).
  9. History of preeclampsia or intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus.
  10. History of intrauterine death of a child.
  11. Frequent miscarriages.


Indications for a fetal echocardiography:


Fetal indications:


  1. A suspected fetal heart defect on routine ultrasound.
  2. A structural organ pathology of the fetus.
  3. An extracardiac structural pathology.
  4. Increased occipital fold during weeks 11-14 of the pregnancy  (≥ 95th).
  5. Reversible a-wave of the ductus venosus in weeks 11-14 of the pregnancy.
  6. Tricuspid valve regurgitation in weeks 11-14 of the pregnancy.
  7. Cardiac arrhythmias (persistent bradycardia, tachycardia, irregular rhythm).
  8. Monochorionic twin pregnancy.


Maternal indications:


  1. A family history of heart defects.
  2. Diabetes or phenylketonuria.
  3. Infection during the pregnancy (Parvovirus B19, Rubella virus, Coxsackie virus).
  4. Using some medications (retinoids, phenytoin, carbamazepine, lithium carbonate, valproic acid).
  5. Autoimmune diseases [Anti-Ro (SSA); Anti-La (SSB)].
  6. IVF pregnancy.
  7. Obesity (BMI ≥ 30).


Indications for a fetal neurosonography


  1. A child with psychomotor or mental retardation among close relatives
  2. Suspicion of a fetal brain or spinal pathology during the anatomical screening of the fetus
  3. Ventricular dilation of the fetal brain
  4. A cyst or a suspected cyst in the fetal brain
  5. The measures of the fetal skull do not correspond to the size of the pregnancy (a skull that is either too small or too large)
  6. Presence of intrauterine infections (cytoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis)
  7. Severe fetal growth retardation
  8. Monochorionic twin pregnancy
  9. Congenital malformations of other organ systems (cardiac malformations, clubfoot, limb deformities, renal malformations, upper lip cleft, umbilical hernia, etc.)



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