Pregnancy week by week
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You are even shining, as your nausea has reduced, your mood irregularities have decreased and your skin and hair shine. The stitchy pain in the stomach area is a sign of the stretching of uterus muscles.
Your baby
The fetus is up to 16 centimetres long and weighs about 100 grams. It has both active and passive, i.e. sleeping periods. In every 40-45 minutes the baby pees and you might see at the ultrasound test how it sucks its thumb. The movements of hands and legs of the child growing in your stomach become more coordinated and vigorous. Its hands can come into contact, the baby’s head is straighter and it can turn it. Its eyes have moved closer to each other and although these are still shut, it s able to move these already. The single details develop further and eyebrows, eyelashes and nails are forming. The heart of your baby works hard and beats with approximate frequency of 120-160 beats in a minute.
Dr. Marek Šois recommends
Drink water and do not exaggerate with salt. Your body is currently in need of a lot of liquid. If you or your close relatives have heart failure or when your previous child had heart failure or if you have diabetes, epilepsy or OSCAR test result indicated increased nuchal fold, pathological bloodflow in the venous duct or on the triple flap, you might be interested in our early echocardiography of fetal heart. If you have monozygotic twins, you might be interested in early detection of transfusion syndrome between twins.
Why is it important to know the existence of transfusion syndrome between twins?
The monozygotic twins share one placenta and in certain cases one twin could get blood from the part of the placenta belonging to the other twin. The situation where one of the twins gets too much blood (recipient) and it has developing heart failure and the other twin (donor) has a severe anaemia, might develop. If the transfusion syndrome is not duly discovered and treated, both twins will perish.