Mo-Fr 8.00 am - 12.00 am and 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm
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Pregnancy week by week

Selected week:


The indefinite tingle and pressure in the lower stomach mean that the cervix becomes soft and prepares to open up. You might feel yourself big and clumsy and sleeping is more complicated than ever. Remember that the labour is not always starting dramatically with breaking out of waters like in a movie. Some women have the waters dripping by tablespoonfuls, the waters of the others break out only in the course of active delivery process, and the third ones deliver their babies in a gestational sac. Sometimes it is complicated to make difference whether amniotic fluid or urine is dripping. If you cannot stop the dripping, this is still amniotic fluid. The more usual signs of the upcoming delivery are the removal of the mucus plug and more frequent and intensive pain attacks. During the last weeks of pregnancy some women also see weird dreams.


Your baby

Your baby weighs now about 3600 grams and is 49 cm tall. The baby’s lungs work intensively by generating the substance which keeps the baby against stroking, if it makes its first breathe. The child continues gaining weight gradually and the fetal wool having covered its body has disappeared.


What to do?

Take advantage of the waiting period and be engaged with something interesting – this as much as your big stomach and clumsy movement allows.


If you feel that the baby’s movements have become inactive, you might be interested in our fetal welfare condition test including the assessment of blood supply of fetus and placenta.


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