Mo-Fr 8.00 am - 12.00 am and 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm
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Identification of pregnancy and assessment of viability

125.00 €


Pregnancy detection and fetal viability assessment ultrasound examination is performed using a transvaginal probe. It is recommended to come to the scan with empty urinary bladder. The best time for the conduct of ultrasound scan is two or three weeks after the absence of menstruation.


Ultrasound examination of pregnancy detection and viability is performed in the absence of complaints for those whose pregnancy has lasted at least 7 full weeks (7 weeks + 0 days). If you want to know the duration of your pregnancy, please visit our pregnancy calendar.


The aim of ultrasound scan is:

  1. To assess the viability of the fetus. At the existence of the fetal heartbeat the risk of miscarriage decreases up to 10 times.
  2. To assess the number of fetuses and placentas. 2% of the pregnancies are twin pregnancies.
  3. To diagnose the extra-uterine pregnancy which could endanger the life of the pregnant if not detected.
  4. To specify the size of pregnancy and due date of birth.


The above described ultrasound scan is especially useful for the women who suspect pregnancy and who have either lower abdomen pain or who have had miscarriages or extra-uterine pregnancies.



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