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PrenatalSafe Full Risk Expanded test

2080.00 €

PrenatalSafe Full Risk Expanded test


This is a combined first trimester screening test that uses the strengths of the PrenatalSafe Karyo Plus, GeneSafe Complete and GeneScreen Complete tests, providing a new, significantly more accurate and comprehensive screening test than the aforementioned tests singularly.


  • The PrenatalSafe Karyo Plus test allows the detection of Down, Edwards and Patau syndromes as well as other numerical and structural chromosomal pathologies, 9 clinically significant microdeletions and pathologies of the sex chromosomes, which all significantly affect the health of the child, from the mother's venous blood.


  • The aim of the GeneSafe Complete test is to find out about 29 different fetal single gene pathologies that can cause 44 different de novo and 5 hereditary genetic diseases that are not very often detectable on ultrasound and often only appear in late pregnancy or the first years of life.


  • The GeneScreen Complete test is a genetic disease carrier screening test that allows a woman and/or her partner to determine whether they are a carrier an of autosomal recessive or X-linked disease. Such gene mutations can cause 2100 different genetic diseases in their common children that cannot be detected by prenatal ultrasound or in the immediate postpartum period, as most of them appear during the child's first years of life.



In addition to the mother's venous blood, the child's father's venous blood is also required for the PrenatalSafe Full Risk Expanded test. 


The combined test is carried out for those whose pregnancy has lasted for at least 10 full weeks (10 weeks + 0 days). If you would like to know the duration of your pregnancy, please visit our   pregnancy calculator.


With the combined test, it is also possible to find out the sex of the fetus if you wish.


PrenatalSafe Karyo Plus and GeneSafe Complete test results are available within 21 business days after the blood test. The GeneScreen Complete test result will arrive within 35 business days of the blood test. The results for the GeneScreen Complete test are received within 35 days of the blood test.


PrenatalSafe Full Risk Expanded test


The price of the test includes a very early fetal ultrasound examination of developmental defects.



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