Mo-Fr 8.00 am - 12.00 am and 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm
et en ru

Pregnancy planning package

495.00 €


A health examination carried out before pregnancy is important for mitigating risks to the health of the future mother and child. Such changes in a woman's body as inflammations, hormonal disorders, changes in metabolism, which can affect the life of the future child. It is more reasonable to start treatment before pregnancy than to affect the life of the developing fetus with treatment.

Questions to which you will find answers by making this package:



  •  What is my general health?
  •  Don't I have some hidden health problem - infection, inflammation, poor blood or a carbohydrate metabolism disorder (eg diabetes) that could threaten future pregnancy?
  •  Nor do I have any hidden medical conditions in the uterus or ovaries that could be an obstacle to getting pregnant or carrying the pregnancy to term.
  •  Are the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys functioning normally?
  •  What are the body's reserves of iron, folic acid and vitamin D?

Packet contains

Medical nurse consultation

  •  Includes blood pressure measurement and BMI determination and blood tests

Gynecologist consultation

  •  Includes medical history and disease risk assessment

Ultrasound examination of the uterus and small pelvis

  •  Gives an overview of the size and shape of the uterus and a detailed assessment of the structure of the uterine muscle, uterine mucosa and ovaries

Breast ultrasound

  •  Provides an assessment of the structure of the breast and axillary lymph nodes

Cervical Pap test and analysis of infectious diseases

  •  Provides an assessment of the presence of precancerous conditions of the cervix
  •  Provides an assessment of the presence of sexually transmitted infections

Venous blood analysis, which includes the following indicators:


ABO blood group, Rh affiliation, erythrocyte antibodies

  •  Before pregnancy, in addition to blood group and Rh affiliation, it is important to perform an erythrocyte antibody test to assess the risk of Rhesus conflict


  •  General overview of the state of the organism
  •  Enables the screening, diagnosis and monitoring of a number of diseases and conditions affecting blood cells - such as anemia, infection, inflammation, bleeding disorders, tumors
  •  Indicates the state of the immune system
  •  Shows the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood

Serum ferritin

  •  Shows the body's iron reserves

C-reactive protein

  •  A sensitive marker of inflammation that can indicate a hidden inflammatory process in the body.


  •  High values ​​can indicate diabetes
  •  Elevated glucose values ​​threaten the development of the fetus as well as the normal course of pregnancy


  •  A marker for diabetes diagnosis and cost-of-illness monitoring
  •  Makes it possible to identify people who are at increased risk of developing diabetes

Alanine aminotransferase

  •  Allows assessment of liver damage


  •  Helps to assess whether the kidneys are functioning normally

Thyroid stimulating hormone, or TSH

  •  A sensitive marker for the evaluation of thyroid function
  •  Both under- and over-functioning of the mother's thyroid gland endangers both the development of the fetus and the normal course of pregnancy

Vitamin D

  •  Low levels are associated with the risk of several diseases
  •  An important vitamin for the normal development of bones and teeth

Folic acid

  •  Folic acid deficiency can cause developmental defects in the front abdominal wall, skull or spine in the fetus.

Detection of blood-borne sexually transmitted diseases

  •  AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C

Detection of intrauterine infection agents

  •  The causative agent of toxoplasmosis, rubella virus, cytomegalovirus
  •  These viruses are associated with miscarriage, premature birth and intrauterine damage to the fetus

Urine strip analysis

  •  To detect urinary tract infections
  •  10 different parameters are determined, in case of changes, it is possible to assess the presence of several diseases

Plan the visit of the medical nurse in the morning hours (you must not eat or drink for the blood test). NB! The package also includes a urinalysis. The sample container needed to give a urine sample can be obtained from the pharmacy. Be sure to learn how to prepare for giving a urine sample.



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